Portfolio (this website)
Next.js + MongoDB + Tailwind + Shadcn
Displays my resume, projects, and bio.
ML Shakespeare Generator
Astro + Solidjs, Python3 + PyTorch
Custom-made ML model that speaks like shakespeare. Shows each step of the training process.
Astro + Solidjs + SST + DynamoDB
Users can train & build an AI Assistant + Chatbot.
Technical Blog
Next.js + Mardown + Vercel
Technical Blog following my learning progression.
DEX Swap
React, Express, Typescript
Connect your coinbase wallet and exchange one cryptocurrency for another.
Flutter + Firebase
Social Media app for local events. No longer listed on the app store.
React native + Local Storage
Made in under 24 hours during USU's hackathon event. Chess app that generates puzzles based on online games. No longer listed on the app store.
Fantastic Sudoku
Flutter + Firebase
Sudoku app for sudoku variants. Published by 'canlin' on the app/play store.